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Misc (incl SE2SE stickers), Patterns, Needle Felting supplies


Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Misc (incl SE2SE stickers), Patterns, Needle Felting supplies

Pattern Stash Bash.jpg
Pattern Headband.jpg
Misc SE2SE.jpg
Misc Needles.jpg
Pattern slippers.jpg
Felting pen w 3 needles.jpg
Felting plastic holder w 7 needles.jpg
Felting foam.jpg
Pumpkin kit $17.jpg
Pumpkin kit $12.jpg
Pattern Stash Bash.jpg
Pattern Headband.jpg
Misc SE2SE.jpg
Misc Needles.jpg
Pattern slippers.jpg
Felting pen w 3 needles.jpg
Felting plastic holder w 7 needles.jpg
Felting foam.jpg
Pumpkin kit $17.jpg
Pumpkin kit $12.jpg

Misc (incl SE2SE stickers), Patterns, Needle Felting supplies

from $0.00

Needle felting supplies and kits:

Felted pumpkin kits - make your own felted pumpkins! All kits contain supplies (core wool plus a selection of fall colors) to make 1 large, 2 medium or 4 mini pumpkins. $17 kit also includes 2 felting needles.

Pen with 3 needles, plastic holder with 7 needles, hand-made wooden handle (no needles included) to hold up to 6 needles, felting foam pads and extra needles (38 gauge) available.

Fiber eligible for a SE2SE Passport sticker includes all of the Leicester Longwool Yarn, Roving and Combed Top and the Shetland DK White and Dark Yarn and natural Roving. 4 oz. minimum purchase. If you purchase a qualifying product, please request your Passport sticker here.

Stash Bash pattern available for purchase is $6.00. Snowflake set and knitted/felted slipper patterns are free with any fiber purchase - please select this product if you would like a copy.

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We also have natural angora (straight from the bunnies!) available in white, chocolate brown, and black. Contact us for availability.