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Misc Fiber including Angora/Merino roving, Shetland roving, Leicester Longwool Combed Top, CoreSpun Yarn, Curls and Alpaca/Romney/Angora roving
Misc Fiber including Angora/Merino roving, Shetland roving, Leicester Longwool Combed Top, CoreSpun Yarn, Curls and Alpaca/Romney/Angora roving
Angora/Merino roving - 5 natural shades of 50% Angora blended with 50% Merino. Available in black, white, broken (black and white), blue and fawn - just like spinning a cloud! Sold by the oz ($13.50 for 1.5 oz; $25.00 for 3 oz)
Shetland roving - available in 3 natural shades: dark, gray and light. SE2SE eligible (4 oz minimum). Be sure to request a Passport sticker from our Misc page at checkout! - Sold by the oz ($3.50)
Leicester Longwool combed top - available in natural white; Phoenix Purple; and Camo Green. Be sure to request a Passport sticker from our Misc page at checkout! - Sold by the oz ($5.00)
Natural Leicester Longwool curls - washed and treated with Eucalan; perfect for felting Santa and gnome beards, fluffy sheep, wreaths, and any other curly project as well as adding into art yarn - sold by the ounce ($6 for 1 oz; $18 for 3 oz; $45 for 8 oz)
Corespun Yarn - great for weaving and lots of other projects. Sold by the pound ($32.00)
A blend of 45% Alpaca, 45% Romney and 10% Angora Roving. Sold by the oz ($6.00)
The Leicester Longwool’s fleece is prized by handspinners and doll makers for its curly, soft handling lustrous beauty. The wool has an evenness of length with a spiral tipped staple length of up to 14 inches in twelve months growth.
To see each individual color, either click on the photos or select the different names in the drop down field and the photo changes.