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Yarn - Angora/Merino Blends


Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Yarn - Angora/Merino Blends

Yarn Angora Merino group.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Champagne Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 DesertTaupe Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Charcoal Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 50.50 Fawn Fing.jpg
Yarn 50.50 White Worst Mini.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Blck Tweed Chnky.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Blck Tweed DK.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Caramel Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Pewter Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Eggshell Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 White Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 HD Sangria Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Currants Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 White Fing.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Eggshell Fing.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Caramel Fing.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Pewter Fing.jpg
Yarn 65.25.10 Fing.jpg
Yarn 65.25.10 Wrstd.jpg
Yarn Angora Merino group.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Champagne Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 DesertTaupe Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Charcoal Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 50.50 Fawn Fing.jpg
Yarn 50.50 White Worst Mini.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Blck Tweed Chnky.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Blck Tweed DK.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Caramel Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Pewter Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Eggshell Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 White Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 HD Sangria Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Currants Wrstd.jpg
Yarn 75.25 White Fing.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Eggshell Fing.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Caramel Fing.jpg
Yarn 75.25 Pewter Fing.jpg
Yarn 65.25.10 Fing.jpg
Yarn 65.25.10 Wrstd.jpg

Yarn - Angora/Merino Blends

from $12.00

Luxurious blends of the softest angora and merino.  Each blend provides just the right amount of halo and warmth.  Whether you want to use a blend for your entire project, just add a couple of rows or trim the edges of your masterpiece, we have the perfect angora/merino blend for you. The photos don’t do these skeins justice - you have to feel it to believe it! Your project will be incredibly soft yet durable. And all of our yarn products are mill spun from fiber raised on our farm. We know every step of the process, from what the animals ate to how the fiber was processed. We skirt each fleece and soak and wash it over several days. If it is dyed, we do the dyeing. Then, the fiber is hand picked before it is sent to the mill. When it comes back, it is all washed in Eucalan, to remove the spinning oils and condition the finished skeins.

To view each individual product, either click on the photos or select the different names in the drop down field and the photo changes.

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